Thursday 17 January 2013



'interventions' squat show series started in late 2011. influenced by the 'the city & the city' series and inspired by it's conclusion, the lack of 'interesting' shows at the time & generally being sick of/refusing to abide by the inherent restrictive nature of a venue. the idea was to host squat shows in different public locations around brisbane city with only battery-powered equipment and to be open to all artists.
all shows are strictly all-ages + b.y.o. + free. this is a brief historical record of the events so far. intervention #9 is soon...


All Day Breakfast compilation launch

'All Day Breakfast Enterprises' asked Interventions to help plan, promote and organise the second night launch of their local band mixtape. Originally to be held in an inner-city nature reserve, surrounded by residential houses, the weather predictions for the day forced us to make a choice of risking a thunderstorm + damaging the artists equipment or move to a safer alternative. We ended up at Real Bad Music. This wasn't considered part of the Interventions series but has been included here for historical record:

"adb launch" - 16/11/2012

location: Real Bad Music

start time: ~19:00pm
finish: ~00:00am

in playing order:

1st.: 'Kaspar Schnyder'
2nd: 'Colossal Head'
3rd: 'Baglady'
4th: 'Marisa Allen'
5th: 'The Perfect Lovers'
6th: 'Soft Power'
7th: 'Screaming Match'
8th: 'X Wave'
9th: 'Tracey'

'first show for colossal head (chelsea of brainbeau/dust storm jogger/good samaritan) in years. first brisbane show for x wave and debut appearance of tracey. the rain didn't arrive, though.'

no documentation.

Intervention #8

"jump!" - 14/8/2012
location: Goodwill Bridge, Brisbane.
start time: ~19:00pm
finish: ~21:30pm

in playing order:

1st.: 'Dr. Zam Scamera'
2nd: 'Joel Stern'
3rd: 'KelVin'
4th: 'Skye McNicols & Timothy Green'
5th: 'Slurpee'
6th: 'Charles Curse and Cohorts'

'my second favourite 'intervention' (behind #5). the doctor opened up the night on safe land with audience participation then we walked over to the middle of the goodwill bridge to watch the rest of the acts. lots of lead-footed passer-by's stopping to watch. beautiful set by skye (violin) and tim (gongs), both wandering around the space while boats pass underneath'

no documentation.

Intervention #7

"++++" - 16/6/2012

location: York's Hollow, Spring Hill.

start time: ~18:30pm
finish: ~21:30pm

in playing order:

1st.: 'Wardenburger'
2nd: '#459'
3rd: 'Blend 42 From Outer Space'
4th: 'Pink Mouse'
5th: 'Unwar' (NSW)

6th: 'Rites Wild' (SA)

'second time we have used this isolated space; original 'plan a' site could not be secured (heavy police presence) so i chose this spot again. wardenburger opened on top of a railway footbridge with #459 following shortly after in another spot then the rest of the acts performed down next to the man-made lake. following rites wild set there was an all-in jam between most of the artists.'

photographs by blanket canvassing
audio bootlegs by turn it up to 10

Intervention #6

"a natural low" - 6/5/2012

location: York's Hollow, Spring Hill.

start time: ~19:30pm
finish: ~21:30pm

in playing order:

1st.: 'Wardenburger'
2nd: 'Kodak Beach'
3rd: 'Kahl Monticone'
4th: 'The Perfect Lovers'
5th: 'Bitter Defeat'

'this site was specifically sought by myself to host marisa allen's 'kodak beach' performance. wardenburger opened with many in the audience not realising they actually started ten minutes ago (video can be found below).'

video by wardenburger
video by kodak beach
photographs by blanket canvassing

Intervention #5

"self service" - 6/4/2012

location: West End (various locations)

start time: ~19:30pm
finish: ~21:00pm

in playing order:

1st.: 'Hit The Deck In The Pit'
2nd: 'Mutanteer'
3rd: 'Alrey Batol'

4th: 'Girls! Girls! Girls!'
5th: 'Equalizer 24k'
6th: 'Lights Over Duga-3'

'this was and still is my favourite 'intervention': i had organized for two artists to perform at one spot then the audience to walk over to another to see a further two more performances. HTDITP and Mutanteer performed in an apartment building basement carpark then i was threatened by a neighbour and was told police will be called if we didn't leave immediately. mutanteer finished regardless and then we walked over to an office building alley-way/car park to see Alrey Batol and Girls! Girls! Girls! perform - a very rare solo set by Alrey, 'old school' harsh noise via radios & circuit bent electronics. after g!g!g! we walked over to the sky needle to see the return of Equalizer 24k (nicola morton's early 00s noise project), last seen over 10 years ago. Lights Over Duga-3 put a cap to the night with a violent, glass-smashing, free-flying cymbal & broken trumpet set lasting no more than three minutes. neighbours called the cops after the set but the damage was done.'

video by equalizer 24k

Intervention #4

"double dummies" - 25/2/2012

location: New Farm

start time: ~18:00pm
finish: ~22:00pm

in playing order:

1st.: 'Mutanteer'
2nd: 'Skye/Marisa/Yusuke'
3rd: 'Baglady'

4th: 'Ffehro'
5th: 'Cured Pink'
6th: 'Holly Wheeler'
7th: 'Dumbshit' (VIC)
8th: 'Shooga'
9th: 'Onnie Art'

'unfortunately there was a thunderstorm so i had to find a secure, sheltered spot that would host this night: a basement in new farm. first brisbane show for Hashram/MYMYWLY headed duo Ffehro.'

photographs by blanket canvassing

Intervention #3

"river dance" - 5/2/2012

location: Kangaroo Point Cliffs, Kangaroo Point

start time: ~16:00pm
finish: ~20:00pm

in playing order:

1st.: 'Wardenburger'
2nd: 'Dr. Gerald Keaney'
3rd: 'Demented Thrugg'

4th: 'Nhomea' (NSW)
5th: 'Blend 42 From Outer Space'
6th: 'Ve' (GERMANY)
7th: 'Unique Oil Free Air'

'incredibly hot afternoon led a few audience members to strip'n'dip into the heavily polluted brisbane river. first-ever live show from Demented Thrugg (Greg from Charles Curse/Blonde Cobra and Eon from 6Majik9/Ffehro/This Imperial Can). very fortunate to have Nhomea from Sydney and V from Berlin perform too.'

photographs by blanket canvassing
audio bootlegs & video by turn it up to 10

Intervention #2

"midnight juice party" - 7/1/2012

location: Kangaroo Point Cliffs, Kangaroo Point

start time: ~01:00am
finish: ~05:00am

in playing order:

1st.: 'Wardenburger'
2nd: 'The Perfect Lovers'
3rd: 'Tistriallal Binds'

4th: 'Amateur Childbirth'

5th: 'Hit The Deck In The Pit'

6th: 'Girls! Girls! Girls!'

7th: 'X in O'
8th: 'Scraps'
9th: 'Sun of the Seventh Sister'

'all-night party by the brisbane river with free (found) juice and bread buffet. wardenburger opened, quiet set albeit with objects on fire. a long night followed with Sun of the Seventh Sister performance as the sun rose. sbs pop asia on in the car driving home.'

photographs by blanket canvassing

Intervention #1

"midnight intervention" - 2/12/2011

location: Kangaroo Point Cliffs, Kangaroo Point

start time: ~00:30am
finish: ~02:30am

in playing order:

1st.: 'Wardenbun'
2nd: 'Lights Over Duga-3'
3rd: 'Shooga'

4th: 'Perpetual Nervousness'

5th: 'Auchenflower Red Light District'

6th: 'Tistriallal Binds'

'the first-ever 'intervention'. a very special night highlighted by an absolutely breathtaking/beautiful acoustic&battery-powered performance by Shooga in a nature reserve by the brisbane river.'

photo of wardenbun by leif

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