Monday 23 April 2012

(I-02) 7th JANUARY 2012 /archive

midnight juice party - 7/1/12:
start time: ~01:00am
finish: ~05:00am

in playing order:
1st - Wardenburger
(warden-less burgers. very quiet, fueled fire)

2nd - The Perfect Lovers

3rd - Tistriallal Binds

4th - Amateur Childbirth
(what have you done)
5th - Hit The Deck In The Pit
(debut appearance from Glen's (Per Purpose) noisy solo side-project)

6th - Girls Girls Girls
(situated in a nature reserve, an audience member lights a fire half-way through. everybody watches the fire long after the set's finished. it's a strange sight..)

7th - X in O
 (by now, ~03:30am, everyone's brain is banana but katie wakes us all up; fifteenth wind given (i think some people are still watching that fire))

8th - Scraps

9th - Sun of the Seventh Sister
(started without anyone noticing: hand-held, battery-operated synthesizers & oscillators. only a couple people witness the end of the set & as the sun rises)
Girls! Girls! Girls!
(photo by Glen)

Girls! Girls! Girls!, Scraps, X in O bootleg excerpts
(audio by Marek)

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